BCAP is dedicated to helping people in the community. Below are the stories of people who have had a positive experience with our services.

As a first time mom, the program provides valuable info on child development and resources.

Client, Parents as Teachers (PAT)

The program has helped me set goals that I have already halfway achieved. They have helped me build and become an even greater mother. They have given me a better understanding of things I was unsure of as a mother.

Client, Healthy Families - TIP

Before our daughter was due to be born, I was able to obtain referrals for a State Registered Family Child Care Provider. I was given the information I needed to make a sound choice to meet the needs of our growing family. My daughter started with the provider at 10 weeks of age and continued there for several years. Because of the Home Based provider offering a smaller group setting, I was assured of the more one-on-one care that I felt a young baby needs, bonds were made that still exists to this day.

Former client, Family Child Care

The program has helped my awareness of milestones and the appropriate and safe ways to reach them. Also, they put me in contact with programs to further my family’s success and health.

Client, Parents as Teachers (PAT)

The program has helped me with child development, housing, setting goals for myself and my family, as well as local benefits.

Client, Healthy Families - TIP

I would like to rate Connie Pritchett a “ten” and more for her patience and concern while helping me.
Lynda McClam

Client, Housing Assistance

Thank you very much for having such a wonderful event, “Becoming FCC Orientation”, last night at the Human Resource Center in Mount Holly.


Provider, Family Child Care

BCAP has helped me in a lot of ways. I have been in home visiting for about six years. I started meeting with my home visitor when my two children and I were in a shelter and I was pregnant with my third child. My home visitor brought me a lot of information on child development and gave me information about what to expect when my son got here. I ended up going into labor early and my son was born with a chronic illness, and my home visitor was very supportive to me. She brought me a blanket for my son when he arrived which meant a lot to me. She also helped me find infant clothes for him. This helped me a lot because I was not working at the time. I eventually was able to get my own apartment and began working but I didn’t get paid much. My home visitor gave me information about a program that helps women find employment. I signed up for that program and got a much better paying full-time job through them. I eventually was laid off from this job, but I gained a lot of experience there that I have been able to use for other jobs. At that time my home visitor also gave me information on housing that was available through BCAP for post-TANF families. Since I was laid off I couldn’t afford a rental because they cost so much around here. I was eventually able to find a place to rent through BCAP. My home visitor always gives me information on events that are happening in Burlington County including events that offer free things. This has been helpful because I have been able to get help during the Christmas season, and help with things like school supplies and clothes for the children. Whenever I have questions about any services that are available or need information about my children’s development, she is there to answer my questions and offer me suggestions that I then try out.


Client, Healthy Families - TIP

Almost 4 years ago, we had a teenage Mom sign her baby up for our infant room in the Browns Mills Early Head Start Program. She still had to finish her senior year in High School. She experienced life’s lessons on being a Mom of a little one who solely depended on her.

Her day consisted of dropping off her son to EHS at 9AM, going to school during the day and, after school, picking up her baby by 3PM. Her evenings were just as busy taking care of the baby, not only in the evening, but during the night when he would wake up for his bottle. She also had to squeeze in studying, homework, and let’s not forget the senior term papers.   All of this was no joke for this new Mom, but she persevered through it all and got good grades to boot.

Graduation Day came and we honored her with a graduation card and a dozen red roses for a job well done.

Once she graduated, she then took on a full time job at McDonald’s.  She worked hard working different shifts and taking care of her baby. Many days she came to our center looking so tired, but still, she kept going and worked her way up the ranks until she became a manager of one of the locations.

During all this time, she lived with her mother, but this past weekend she moved into her own place with her son, now 4 years old.

She is an amazing young woman that we are so proud of. She endured what it was like to sacrifice her own freedoms as a teenager to a strong woman who showed the world what can be done. Our hats are off to you, Alyssa. You go girl! Great Job!

Donna Wilbur

Caseworker, Early Head Start, Browns Mills

I want to thank BCAP for the the beginning of my twin girls Ashley and Alexis..Ms Lilly who I have fondly remember shaping the two child of mine into their own little person..thriving to excellence. .yesterday they made my family and school Twin Hills Elementary proud to be a part of their Honor Society…Many thanks again BCAP for shaping them for their future education.


Client, BCAP

When I signed up to register my business with BCAP I had no idea how much help and resources were available, and as I’m new to this, am continually surprised. From learning how to run my program and all that entails to this, it has really been a benefit to be a part of all that BCAP has to offer.


Provider, Family Child Care

My wife and I owe a debt of gratitude to Head Start. In 2007, we planted a church in South Jersey. Funds were limited, but we needed childcare for our growing family.  We found out about Head Start and quickly learned what we needed was not childcare, but quality education for our children—we found that at Head start.  When we enrolled our children, we were not only impressed with the teachers, classroom assistants and staff, but the actual program itself.  Our children were actually being taught how to learn, how to relate to others—they were being prepared for life. By the time our last child was born, it was a no-brainer where he would go.  I owe so much to Head Start, to Linda Barnes and her wonderful staff. I was so indebted to this program that I volunteered as the President of the Parents Policy Council. I read books to the classes, and I recruited other parents (especially dads) to get involved with their child’s educational life. All I can say is, “Thank You” for helping my wife and I raise our children.

J.L. & K.L.

Parents, Head Start

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